February 8: National Offering
On February 8th, all designated and loose offerings collected at Seventh-day Adventist churches across Canada will be directed to supporting Hope Channel Canada’s mission of spreading the Gospel and sharing the message of hope in Jesus Christ.
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Agents of Hope
In this episode, we will feature an interview with Paul Musafili.
In this episode, we will feature an interview with Paul Musafili.
Testimony: Andrea Lavy
Message from Agent: Sabryna and Tiago Waselcoski
Devotional thought: Gratitude
Song: Oh How I Love Jesus- 248
Related Episodes
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The Gift of Time
In this episode, we will interview Messenger Producer: Clesha Felicien.
Agents of Hope
In this episode, we will interview the producer of Rainmakers, Andrews Ferreira.
Agents of Hope
We will continue to feature testimonies from the hosts of HCC programs: a meaningful holiday story, tradition or meaning.
Agents of Hope
Living Water
We will feature an interview with the producer of The Gift, Ricardo Martins.