Powerful Prayer

We will feature an interview with Rob Zama.

Today we will feature a clip from Hope Channel International, and keep you updated on what is happening around the world. We also have an interview with Rob Zama, and he will share a bit about his work as the Media Evangelist for Hope Channel Canada, as well as the new program on Hope Channel Canada that he hosts, More to Life. We will also highlight another interview with David Benjamin, and he will share some perspective on the topic of compassion, relating to his work as Chaplain for Sherwood Care. As always, we hope to leave you with some inspiration and encouragement with our devotional thought, and today we will chat a bit about the power of having a chosen family.

Pastor Evaldo Vicente

Pastor Evaldo Vicente

Tiffany Campbell-Dailey

Tiffany Campbell-Dailey

Online since
10/11/2024, 5:07 PM
Pastor Evaldo Vicente, Tiffany Campbell-Dailey
Adventists, Testimony

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