
A Lifelong transformational journey of Jesus' apprentices, learning to love, serve and be like the Master.




God knows who you are...and who you can become. He's shaping you into who He created you to be, and preparing you for the work He created you to do. Want to learn how He's doing this? Join Rebeca and Douglas Pereira for this episode of The Apprenticeship!


Rebeca and Douglas Pereira introduce what it means to be Jesus' apprentices. Join us as we begin learning to love, serve, and be like Jesus!

About the Show

Welcome to the Apprenticeship! We're learning to love, serve, and be like Jesus.

To love like Jesus, we must know Him. We're "Walking in His Footsteps" through the Gospels, learning about Jesus' heart, character, and mission.

To serve like Jesus, we must open ourselves to His plan for us. We're entering "In His Workshop" to discover our unique mission and how God prepares us for it.

Jesus rescued us from sin, and He invites us to be rescue workers with Him. In "Rescue Workers," we're learning what it takes to bring others to the safety of God's Kingdom.

We're on a lifelong journey with Jesus as His apprentices! It's a journey filled with discovery, transformation, and purpose!

Join us on The Apprenticeship!


Douglas Pereira

Rebeca Pereira

Douglas Pereira, Rebeca Pereira
Adventist Mission, Service
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