February 8: National Offering
On February 8th, all designated and loose offerings collected at Seventh-day Adventist churches across Canada will be directed to supporting Hope Channel Canada’s mission of spreading the Gospel and sharing the message of hope in Jesus Christ.
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Está Escrito Canada
Tempo de Qualidade em Família, Uma Utopia?
No episódio de hoje, Rebeca e Douglas Pereira apresentam dicas de como criar tempo de qualidade com a sua família.
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É Hora de Trégua! Navegando Conflitos Familiares
No episódio de hoje, Rebeca e Douglas Pereira apresentam dicas práticas de como navegar conflitos familiares positivamente.
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Existe Esperança Para Família?
Protection in Times of Need
This episode features an interview with Pastor Douglas.
This Hope Study Foundation Series episode explores Earth's fine-tuning for sustaining life. Host Paul examines key aspects of Earth's design. The episode encourages viewers to consider the possibility of a Creator who designed Earth as humanity's home.