February 8: National Offering
On February 8th, all designated and loose offerings collected at Seventh-day Adventist churches across Canada will be directed to supporting Hope Channel Canada’s mission of spreading the Gospel and sharing the message of hope in Jesus Christ.
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Hope Study
What is Evil?
In this thought-provoking episode of Hope Study, host Paul Antunes tackles one of humanity's greatest dilemmas: the existence of evil in a world created by a loving God. Exploring both philosophical and biblical perspectives, Paul delves into the nature of moral and natural evil, the concept of free will, and the origin of Satan. The episode offers a message of hope, discussing God's plan for redemption through Jesus Christ and the promise of a world free from suffering.
This episode of Hope Study, hosted by Paul Antunes, tackles the complex question of why evil exists in a world created by a loving, all-powerful God. The episode begins by acknowledging the difficulty of the topic and the prevalence of suffering in the world. It then explores the nature of evil, dividing it into two categories: moral evil (caused by human actions) and natural evil (caused by natural events).
The episode delves into philosophical concepts such as the Privation Theory of Evil, which posits that evil is the absence of good rather than an independent force. It then transitions to a biblical perspective on evil, explaining how the Bible describes evil as a disruption of God's good creation, introduced through the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
The show discusses the importance of free will in God's creation, explaining that it is essential for genuine love but also allows for the possibility of evil choices. It also touches on the origin of Satan, describing his rebellion against God and his role in introducing sin to the world.
Finally, the episode offers hope by discussing God's plan for redemption through Jesus Christ and the ultimate promise of a new heaven and earth where evil and suffering will be eradicated. The host encourages viewers to continue exploring these truths and to reflect on how they would respond to evil and human suffering.
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Hope Study