February 8: National Offering

On February 8th, all designated and loose offerings collected at Seventh-day Adventist churches across Canada will be directed to supporting Hope Channel Canada’s mission of spreading the Gospel and sharing the message of hope in Jesus Christ.


More to Life

A Fresh Start

There's more to life than living with the shame and guilt of past mistakes. Experience a fresh start today by living with grace.

In a society where mistakes are amplified and shame feels inescapable, "A Fresh Start," explores the transformative power of grace. Through relatable storytelling and deep biblical insights, Pastor Rob Zama addresses the crushing weight of regret and the longing for a new beginning. Drawing from John 8's account of the woman caught in adultery, Rob unveils a timeless message: we are not defined by our past mistakes but by the grace we receive and extend. With thought-provoking narratives, psychological insights, and spiritual wisdom, this episode inspires viewers to acknowledge their need for grace, embrace transformation, and find hope in God’s redemptive love. More to Life offers a fresh perspective on moving beyond judgment, guilt, and shame into a life of freedom, healing, and purpose.

Rob Zama

Rob Zama

Online since
01/15/2025, 10:49 PM
Rob Zama
Faith, Human Interest, Viewpoints

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There's more to life than measuring up. Embrace the peace that comes from knowing your worth and being unconditionally loved.

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Você Confia na Sorte? Deus Tem Algo Muito Maior Para Você!

Já ouviu falar em amuleto da sorte? Alguma vez você acreditou que tudo se resume à sorte? Neste episódio, continuaremos estudando a segunda parte da bênção sacerdotal e o que Deus tem a nos ensinar sobre esse tema.

The Search for Meaning

There’s more to life than searching for meaning in the wrong places—experience true fulfillment through a relationship with Jesus.