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God is shaping you. What tools does He use? And what do they look like in action? Find out on this episode of The Apprenticeship!
To cave in or to commit? We all face this choice on occasion. "In His Footsteps," we learn from Zechariah and Elizabeth as they make their choice. And we witness the results!
God is using His tools to shape us. But what are His tools? How does He use them? We address these questions "In His Workshop!"
We were created for community. There's a kind of community that is most suited for our growth and development. What does that kind of community look like? And does it serve a wider purpose? Find out in "Rescue Workers!"
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Au commencement de la vie
Sur notre planète bleue, la vie est présente partout ou presque. Des profondeurs de l’océan aux montagnes et au ciel, en passant par les plaines, les forêts, les cours d’eau, partout la vie foisonne sous des formes d’une incroyable diversité. Et pourtant, malgré l’abondance de la vie, un mystère persiste pour tous les scientifiques : comment est-elle apparue sur la terre? Et pourquoi sommes-nous incapables de la reproduire en laboratoire?